Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Maybe Even a Conversation

Our friends all went out to smoke.
So we were left alone,
we hadn't known each other fifteen minutes.

She had on a black beanie
held in place with a black bobby pin
tight black jacket and a pair of lip piercings.

Said she like liked it here
didn't have to worry about
what people thought about
what she looked like.

I agreed. I was wearing sweatpants
and hoody I bought in the 7th grade
so I felt particularly genuine.
beer and sweat pants
usually have that effect on me.

She asked me what I was doing up here.
I paused a minute to decide which story I'd tell,
I said I was going to school to become a minister.

She asked if I was religious, I said I was
she paused, then told me that was neat
then looked down at her beer
while I sipped mine

We sat at in our booth.
She avoided eye contact
while I tried to think of something:

an off color joke or drunken story
something to show that I'm still cool
not like those other people she's met
or seen on television

or go the other way
actually try and explain
maybe even have a conversation.

I wanted to say
but didn't,

just sat there
listening to the jukebox
waiting for our friends
to finish smoking.

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